Credit cards is one of the primary cash-cows in the banking ecosystem among other loan products. As a member of the credit cards team I've actively designed shipped and audited over 20+ stories over the past year. To illustrate key roles, projects, and accomplishments- I've highlighted some projects to showcase the breadth of impact.
My Role
Credit cards is a 40+ member team, I'm 1 of 4 designers
Target Audience
Existing users of credit cards on the Open by Axis Bank app
October 2023 | 1 Week
Introducing Virtual Card unboxing
Virtual cards are entirely digital, plastic-less cards that can be unboxed and activated instantly for usage. Shipped this business critical requirement in just 1 week to meet the new RBI compliance
Existing unboxing and activation journeys were meant for physical cards. It required the setup instructions and pin provided in the welcome letter that is delivered when a customer receives a new credit card.
Created a digital card unboxing journey for Rupay cards- that helps users activate, view their card number/CVV for instant usage. Used ‘virtual’ metaphors to communicate the same.
Increase in card activations
MoM growth of this feature
January 2024-Ongoing | 2+ Months
Credit Cards Platform Revamp
The current credit cards section was shipped 3+ years ago
Every new business enhancement was treated as a priority leading to an overly populated dashboard with all the new features- lacking clear hierarchy and causing information overload. Additionally, new features were shipped in the new design system, creating a massive design debt and inconsistency.
I led the design, ideation and pitch for a revamped credit cards section, by designing the new navigation and information hierarchy through data informed decisions, interviews, card sorting exercises and extensive audits. The new design focused on multi-card servicing, spend visualisation, credit card usage behaviours and identifying & designing for core jobs to be done (based on different user archetypes).
Navigation and funnel data analysed
March 2024 | 4 Weeks
Bridging the gap between data and UX
Despite being a mature product, the credit cards team relies on primitive dashboards that measure only business essentials
Designers often did not have access to data and were kept out of loop once a feature was shipped. The existing GA dashboards are primitive and only track conversions on the 4 portfolio offers to measure business growth. Even with access, one can only see the big picture numbers with no way to measure feature level or user insights.
I initiated walkthroughs of the dashboards between design, data & product team and evangelised cross disciplinary knowledge sharing. Additionally, I mobilised stakeholders for a buy in- to create a new dashboard plan for tracking user metrics essential for UX and product success.
October 2023| 2 Weeks
Increasing feature discoverability
People do not use a banking app everyday
With new features populating on the credit cards section, many new additions such as download PDF, block and replace etc were unnoticed by users
An interactive platform tour was created to educate new/ existing users and create feature recall for when they next visit the platform
Highlighted for easy wayfinding
October 2023| 2 Weeks
Activation Nudges
More ways to increase feature awareness
Download PDF and Digital Card were newer features that were shipped. However reviews, nps and phone banking transcripts still indicated there was not much awareness of their existence on the app.
A campaign was created for feature awareness of - Pay Now (the primary JTBD), Download PDF and Digital card. Each artefact was carefully curated with the contextual copy to drive clicks and footfall on the app.